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Our School

Rees E. Price Academy is a neighborhood school serving approximately 600 students in east Price Hill. Established in 2006, Rees E. Price Academy is the focal point for families in the areas of education, family support and community support. The school is home to Preschool through sixth grade.

Rees E. Price Academy is a community school. We are a central location for community members, parents, families and organizations in support of the students who we support and educate.

In an urban area, providing a safe environment is essential for learning and teaching. The challenges that affect children from a variety of socioeconimic, culturally diverse and academically diverse backgrounds are issues that we in the Rees E. Price community are continually striving to overcome.
Stakeholders in the Rees E. Price Academy community remain conscious of the diversity issues that our children are facing. We develop, implement, and evaluate interventions that will narrow the academic gap between the various groups of students. Through quality instruction, high expectations and research-based teaching approaches, all students will achieve to the highest levels.

The students at Rees E. Price Academy will always be the centerpiece of our work as we continue to raise the levels of student engagement.

This caliber of educational expectancy is where Rees E. Price Academy generates its energy from in providing high expectations within the community; consequently, our state test scores are rising.
