Arrival/Dismissal Procedures:
Car Riders
Arrival: The car pick-up/drop-off will be in the front of the school building on the Considine driveway. The parent/guardian MUST remain in their cars and drive at a safe speed of 10 MPH or less while in the car pick-up driveway. During arrival, the cars will stay close to the curb and come to a complete stop before letting the student out of the car. A staff member will greet the student and escort them into the building.;
Dismissal: The car riders are escorted by a staff member to the designated Car Rider Rooms (1003 & 1006). The car rider staff will supervise students and listen for the car rider numbers to be called over the walkie-talkie. Once the car rider number is called, the student will be released by the teacher to walk to the door as hall monitors observe from their duty stations. The parent/guardian will park cars on both sides of the driveway and wait for a staff member to escort the student to the car. Car drivers are asked to maintain a safe speed of 10 MPH and to maintain awareness of student walkers.
Bus Riders
The buses will pick up and drop off students on the loop in the back of the building. Students will enter the building through the cafeteria or Main Hall door. There are staff door monitors available at both entrances to guide students to the appropriate location. During dismissal the bus riding students will be escorted by a staff member to the bus holding area near the Main Office. The students are escorted and board the buses in a safe and orderly manner. The K-3 students will carry colored passes to communicate their name and bus number.
The walking students will be released at 2:10 pm out of the door Lehman driveway door. The Kindergarten and 1st grade students will ONLY be released to a parent/guardian from the Kindergarten door. Ms. Ward will supervise 2nd and 3rd grade students waiting for older siblings in the hall room 2020.